82 publications

82 publications

A "Broad Spectrum" Carbene Transferase for Synthesis of Chiral α-Trifluoromethylated Organoborons

Roelfes, G.

ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 206-208, 10.1021/acscentsci.9b00015

Directed evolution generated an enzyme for the enantioselective synthesis of α-trifluoromethylated organoborons—potentially attractive synthons for fluorinated compounds.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Porphyrin
Host protein: Cytochrome c
Anchoring strategy: Native
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: B-H insertion
Max TON: 2900
ee: 95
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

Achiral Cyclopentadienone Iron Tricarbonyl Complexes Embedded in Streptavidin: An Access to Artificial Iron Hydrogenases and Application in Asymmetric Hydrogenation

Renaud, J.-L.; Ward, T.R.

Catal. Lett. 2016, 146, 564-569, 10.1007/s10562-015-1681-6

We report on the synthesis of biotinylated (cyclopentadienone)iron tricarbonyl complexes, the in situ generation of the corresponding streptavidin conjugates and their application in asymmetric hydrogenation of imines and ketones.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: CO; Cyclopentadienone
Host protein: Streptavidin (Sav)
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical
Reaction: Hydrogenation
Max TON: 20
ee: 34
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

Active Site Topology of Artificial Peroxidase-like Hemoproteins Based on Antibodies Constructed from a Specifically Designed Ortho-carboxy-substituted Tetraarylporphyrin

Mahy, J.-P.

Eur. J. Biochem. 1998, 257, 121-130, 10.1046/j.1432-1327.1998.2570121.x

The topology of the binding site has been studied for two monoclonal antibodies 13G10 and 14H7, elicited against iron(III)‐α,α,α,β‐meso‐tetrakis(ortho‐carboxyphenyl)porphyrin {α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin]}, and which exhibit in the presence of this α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin] cofactor a peroxidase activity. A comparison of the dissociation constants of the complexes of 13G10 and 14H7 with various tetra‐aryl‐substituted porphyrin has shown that : (a) the central iron(III) atom of α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin] is not recognized by either of the two antibodies; and (b) the ortho‐carboxylate substituents of the meso‐phenyl rings of α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin] are essential for the recognition of the porphyrin by 13G10 and 14H7. Measurement of the dissociation constants for the complexes of 13G10 and 14H7 with the four atropoisomers of (o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrinH2 as well as mono‐ and di‐ortho‐carboxyphenyl‐substituted porphyrins suggests that the three carboxylates in the α, α, β position are recognized by both 13G10 and 14H7 with the two in the α, β positions more strongly bound to the antibody protein. Accordingly, the topology of the active site of 13G10 and 14H7 has roughly two‐thirds of the α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin] cofactor inserted into the binding site of the antibodies, with one of the aryl ring remaining outside. Three of the carboxylates are bound to the protein but no amino acid residue acts as an axial ligand to the iron atom. Chemical modification of lysine, histidine, tryptophan and arginine residues has shown that only modification of arginine residues causes a decrease in both the binding of α,α,α,β‐Fe[(o‐COOHPh)4‐porphyrin] and the peroxidase activity of both antibodies. Consequently, at least one of the carboxylates of the hapten is bound to an arginine residue and no amino acids such as lysine, histidine or tryptophan participate in the catalysis of the heterolytic cleavage of the O‐O bond of H2O2. In addition, the amino acid sequence of both antibodies not only reveals the presence of arginine residues, which could be those involved in the binding of the carboxylates of the hapten, but also the presence of several amino acids in the complementary determining regions which could bind other carboxylates through a network of H bonds.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: ---
Host protein: Antibody 13G10 / 14H7
Anchoring strategy: Antibody
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Peroxidation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

A Designed Heme-[4Fe-4S] Metalloenzyme Catalyzes Sulfite Reduction like the Native Enzyme

Lu, Y.

Science 2018, 361, 1098-1101, 10.1126/science.aat8474

Multielectron redox reactions often require multicofactor metalloenzymes to facilitate coupled electron and proton movement, but it is challenging to design artificial enzymes to catalyze these important reactions, owing to their structural and functional complexity. We report a designed heteronuclear heme-[4Fe-4S] cofactor in cytochrome c peroxidase as a structural and functional model of the enzyme sulfite reductase. The initial model exhibits spectroscopic and ligand-binding properties of the native enzyme, and sulfite reduction activity was improved—through rational tuning of the secondary sphere interactions around the [4Fe-4S] and the substrate-binding sites—to be close to that of the native enzyme. By offering insight into the requirements for a demanding six-electron, seven-proton reaction that has so far eluded synthetic catalysts, this study provides strategies for designing highly functional multicofactor artificial enzymes.

Metal: Fe
Host protein: Cytochrome c peroxidase
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Sulfite reduction
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Designed heteronuclear heme-[4Fe-4S] cofactor in cytochrome c peroxidase

A Hydrogenase Model System Based on the Sequence of Cytochrome c: Photochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Aqueous Media

Hayashi, T

Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 8229, 10.1039/c1cc11157d

The diiron carbonyl cluster is held by a native CXXC motif, which includes Cys14 and Cys17, in the cytochrome c sequence. It is found that the diiron carbonyl complex works well as a catalyst for H2 evolution. It has a TON of ∼80 over 2 h at pH 4.7 in the presence of a Ru-photosensitizer and ascorbate as a sacrificial reagent in aqueous media.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Carbonyl
Host protein: Cytochrome c
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: ---
Reaction: H2 evolution
Max TON: 82
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Horse heart cytochrome C

Allosteric Cooperation in a De Novo-Designed Two-Domain Protein

DeGrado, W.F.; Lombardi, A.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2020, 117, 33246-33253, 10.1073/pnas.2017062117

We describe the de novo design of an allosterically regulated protein, which comprises two tightly coupled domains. One domain is based on the DF (Due Ferri in Italian or two-iron in English) family of de novo proteins, which have a diiron cofactor that catalyzes a phenol oxidase reaction, while the second domain is based on PS1 (Porphyrin-binding Sequence), which binds a synthetic Zn-porphyrin (ZnP). The binding of ZnP to the original PS1 protein induces changes in structure and dynamics, which we expected to influence the catalytic rate of a fused DF domain when appropriately coupled. Both DF and PS1 are four-helix bundles, but they have distinct bundle architectures. To achieve tight coupling between the domains, they were connected by four helical linkers using a computational method to discover the most designable connections capable of spanning the two architectures. The resulting protein, DFP1 (Due Ferri Porphyrin), bound the two cofactors in the expected manner. The crystal structure of fully reconstituted DFP1 was also in excellent agreement with the design, and it showed the ZnP cofactor bound over 12 Å from the dimetal center. Next, a substrate-binding cleft leading to the diiron center was introduced into DFP1. The resulting protein acts as an allosterically modulated phenol oxidase. Its Michaelis–Menten parameters were strongly affected by the binding of ZnP, resulting in a fourfold tighter Km and a 7-fold decrease in kcat. These studies establish the feasibility of designing allosterically regulated catalytic proteins, entirely from scratch.

Metal: Fe; Zn
Ligand type: Amino acid
Host protein: Due Ferri
Anchoring strategy: Amino acid
Optimization: ---
Max TON: 10
ee: ---
Notes: diFe-DFP3: Km 2.9 mM, kcat 0.7 min-1, 10 turnovers for 1 mM substrate, 20 uM protein. On binding ZnP, Km decreased 4x, and kcat decreased 7x, resulting in a lower kcat/Km overall.

Alteration of the Oxygen-Dependent Reactivity of De Novo Due Ferri Proteins

DeGrado, W.F.

Nat. Chem. 2012, 4, 900-906, 10.1038/NCHEM.1454

De novo proteins provide a unique opportunity to investigate the structure–function relationships of metalloproteins in a minimal, well-defined and controlled scaffold. Here, we describe the rational programming of function in a de novo designed di-iron carboxylate protein from the Due Ferri family. Originally created to catalyse the O2-dependent, two-electron oxidation of hydroquinones, the protein was reprogrammed to catalyse the selective N-hydroxylation of arylamines by remodelling the substrate access cavity and introducing a critical third His ligand to the metal-binding cavity. Additional second- and third-shell modifications were required to stabilize the His ligand in the core of the protein. These structural changes resulted in at least a 106-fold increase in the relative rate between the arylamine N-hydroxylation and hydroquinone oxidation reactions. This result highlights the potential for using de novo proteins as scaffolds for future investigations of the geometric and electronic factors that influence the catalytic tuning of di-iron active sites.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid
Host protein: Due Ferri
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: N-Hydroxylation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
Notes: ---

A Metal Ion Regulated Artificial Metalloenzyme

Roelfes, G.

Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 4325-4330, 10.1039/C7DT00533D

An artificial metalloenzyme containing both a regulatory and a catalytic domain is selectively activated in presence of Fe2+ ions.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Bypyridine
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: Genetic
Max TON: 14
ee: 75
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

Metal: Zn
Ligand type: Bypyridine
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: Genetic
Max TON: 6
ee: 80
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

An Artificial Di-Iron Oxo-Orotein with Phenol Oxidase Activity

DeGrado, W.F.; Lombardi, A.

Nat. Chem. Biol. 2009, 5, 882-884, 10.1038/nchembio.257

Here we report the de novo design and NMR structure of a four-helical bundle di-iron protein with phenol oxidase activity. The introduction of the cofactor-binding and phenol-binding sites required the incorporation of residues that were detrimental to the free energy of folding of the protein. Sufficient stability was, however, obtained by optimizing the sequence of a loop distant from the active site.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid
Host protein: Due Ferri
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Alcohol oxidation
Max TON: >50
ee: ---
Notes: kcat/KM ≈ 1380 M-1*min-1

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid
Host protein: Due Ferri
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Amine oxidation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
Notes: kcat/KM ≈ 83 M-1*min-1

An Artificial Enzyme Made by Covalent Grafting of an FeII Complex into β-Lactoglobulin: Molecular Chemistry, Oxidation Catalysis, and Reaction-Intermediate Monitoring in a Protein

Banse, F.; Mahy, J.-P.

Chem. - Eur. J. 2015, 21, 12188-12193, 10.1002/chem.201501755

An artificial metalloenzyme based on the covalent grafting of a nonheme FeII polyazadentate complex into bovine β‐lactoglobulin has been prepared and characterized by using various spectroscopic techniques. Attachment of the FeII catalyst to the protein scaffold is shown to occur specifically at Cys121. In addition, spectrophotometric titration with cyanide ions based on the spin‐state conversion of the initial high spin (S=2) FeII complex into a low spin (S=0) one allows qualitative and quantitative characterization of the metal center’s first coordination sphere. This biohybrid catalyst activates hydrogen peroxide to oxidize thioanisole into phenylmethylsulfoxide as the sole product with an enantiomeric excess of up to 20 %. Investigation of the reaction between the biohybrid system and H2O2 reveals the generation of a high spin (S=5/2) FeIII(η2‐O2) intermediate, which is proposed to be responsible for the catalytic sulfoxidation of the substrate.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Poly-pyridine
Host protein: ß-lactoglobulin
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: ---
Reaction: Sulfoxidation
Max TON: 5.6
ee: 20
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

An Artificial Heme Enzyme for Cyclopropanation Reactions

Roelfes, G.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 7785-7789, 10.1002/anie.201802946

An artificial heme enzyme was created through self‐assembly from hemin and the lactococcal multidrug resistance regulator (LmrR). The crystal structure shows the heme bound inside the hydrophobic pore of the protein, where it appears inaccessible for substrates. However, good catalytic activity and moderate enantioselectivity was observed in an abiological cyclopropanation reaction. We propose that the dynamic nature of the structure of the LmrR protein is key to the observed activity. This was supported by molecular dynamics simulations, which showed transient formation of opened conformations that allow the binding of substrates and the formation of pre‐catalytic structures.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Protoporphyrin IX
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Cyclopropanation
Max TON: 449
ee: 51
Notes: ---

An Artificial Oxygenase Built from Scratch: Substrate Binding Site Identified Using a Docking Approach

Cavazza, C.; Ménage, S.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3922-3925, 10.1002/anie.201209021

The substrate for an artificial iron monooxygenase was selected by using docking calculations. The high catalytic efficiency of the reported enzyme for sulfide oxidation was directly correlated to the predicted substrate binding mode in the protein cavity, thus illustrating the synergetic effect of the substrate binding site, protein scaffold, and catalytic site.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: BPMCN; BPMEN
Host protein: NikA
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical
Reaction: Sulfoxidation
Max TON: 199
ee: ≤5
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

An Evolutionary Path to Altered Cofactor Specificity in a Metalloenzyme

Kehl-Fie, T.E.; Waldron, K.J.

Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 10.1038/s41467-020-16478-0

AbstractAlmost half of all enzymes utilize a metal cofactor. However, the features that dictate the metal utilized by metalloenzymes are poorly understood, limiting our ability to manipulate these enzymes for industrial and health-associated applications. The ubiquitous iron/manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD) family exemplifies this deficit, as the specific metal used by any family member cannot be predicted. Biochemical, structural and paramagnetic analysis of two evolutionarily related SODs with different metal specificity produced by the pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus identifies two positions that control metal specificity. These residues make no direct contacts with the metal-coordinating ligands but control the metal’s redox properties, demonstrating that subtle architectural changes can dramatically alter metal utilization. Introducing these mutations into S. aureus alters the ability of the bacterium to resist superoxide stress when metal starved by the host, revealing that small changes in metal-dependent activity can drive the evolution of metalloenzymes with new cofactor specificity.

Metal: Fe; Mn
Ligand type: Amino acid
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Metal substitution
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: PDB: 6EX3, 6EX4, 6EX5, 6QV8, 6QV9

A Noncanonical Proximal Heme Ligand Affords an Efficient Peroxidase in a Globin Fold

Green, A.P.; Hilvert, D.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 1535-1543, 10.1021/jacs.7b12621

Expanding the range of genetically encoded metal coordination environments accessible within tunable protein scaffolds presents excellent opportunities for the creation of metalloenzymes with augmented properties and novel activities. Here, we demonstrate that installation of a noncanonical Nδ-methyl histidine (NMH) as the proximal heme ligand in the oxygen binding protein myoglobin (Mb) leads to substantial increases in heme redox potential and promiscuous peroxidase activity. Structural characterization of this catalytically modified myoglobin variant (Mb NMH) revealed significant changes in the proximal pocket, including alterations to hydrogen-bonding interactions involving the prosthetic porphyrin cofactor. Further optimization of Mb NMH via a combination of rational modification and several rounds of laboratory evolution afforded efficient peroxidase biocatalysts within a globin fold, with activities comparable to those displayed by nature’s peroxidases.

Metal: Fe
Host protein: Myoglobin (Mb)
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Oxidation
Max TON: ~1650
ee: ---
Notes: Oxidation of amplex red

Artificial Heme Enzymes for the Construction of Gold-Based Biomaterials

Lombardi, A.; Nastri, F.

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 2896, 10.3390/ijms19102896

Many efforts are continuously devoted to the construction of hybrid biomaterials for specific applications, by immobilizing enzymes on different types of surfaces and/or nanomaterials. In addition, advances in computational, molecular and structural biology have led to a variety of strategies for designing and engineering artificial enzymes with defined catalytic properties. Here, we report the conjugation of an artificial heme enzyme (MIMO) with lipoic acid (LA) as a building block for the development of gold-based biomaterials. We show that the artificial MIMO@LA can be successfully conjugated to gold nanoparticles or immobilized onto gold electrode surfaces, displaying quasi-reversible redox properties and peroxidase activity. The results of this work open interesting perspectives toward the development of new totally-synthetic catalytic biomaterials for application in biotechnology and biomedicine, expanding the range of the biomolecular component aside from traditional native enzymes.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid; Porphyrin
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Oxidation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Immobilization of the ArM on gold surfaces via a lipoic acid anchor.

Artificial Iron Hydrogenase Made by Covalent Grafting of Knölker's Complex into Xylanase: Application in Asymmetric Hydrogenation of an Aryl Ketone in Water

Mahy, J.-P.

Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 2020, 67, 563-573, 10.1002/bab.1906

We report a new artificial hydrogenase made by covalent anchoring of the iron Knölker's complex to a xylanase S212C variant. This artificial metalloenzyme was found to be able to catalyze efficiently the transfer hydrogenation of the benchmark substrate trifluoroacetophenone by sodium formate in water, yielding the corresponding secondary alcohol as a racemic. The reaction proceeded more than threefold faster with the XlnS212CK biohybrid than with the Knölker's complex alone. In addition, efficient conversion of trifluoroacetophenone to its corresponding alcohol was reached within 60 H with XlnS212CK, whereas a ≈2.5-fold lower conversion was observed with Knölker's complex alone as catalyst. Moreover, the data were rationalized with a computational strategy suggesting the key factors of the selectivity. These results suggested that the Knölker's complex was most likely flexible and could experience free rotational reorientation within the active-site pocket of Xln A, allowing it to access the subsite pocket populated by trifluoroacetophenone.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Cyclopentadienyl
Host protein: Xylanase A (XynA)
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: ---
Max TON: 9
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

Artificial Metalloenzymes as Catalysts for Oxidative Lignin Degradation

Jarvis, A.G.

ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 15100-15107, 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b03568

We report novel artificial metalloenzymes (ArMs), containing tris(pyridylmethyl)amine (TPA), for the atom economic oxidation of lignin β-O-4 model compounds, using hydrogen peroxide. The protein scaffold alters the selectivity of the reaction from a low yielding cleavage reaction when using the parent Fe-tpa complex to a high yielding benzylic alcohol oxidation when using the complex incorporated into a protein scaffold, SCP-2L A100C. Engineering the protein scaffold to incorporate glutamic acid was found to improve the ArM activity, showing that rational design of the protein environment using metal binding amino acids can be a first step toward improving the overall activity of an artificial metalloenzyme.

Metal: Fe
Anchoring strategy: Cystein-maleimide
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: Lignin oxidation
Max TON: 20
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Reaction performed with a lignin model compound and hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agent

Artificial Metalloproteins with Dinuclear Iron–Hydroxido Centers

Borovik, A.S.; Hendrich, M.P.; Moënne-Loccoz, P.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 2384-2393, 10.1021/jacs.0c12564

Dinuclear iron centers with a bridging hydroxido or oxido ligand form active sites within a variety of metalloproteins. A key feature of these sites is the ability of the protein to control the structures around the Fe centers, which leads to entatic states that are essential for function. To simulate this controlled environment, artificial proteins have been engineered using biotin–streptavidin (Sav) technology in which Fe complexes from adjacent subunits can assemble to form [FeIII–(μ-OH)–FeIII] cores. The assembly process is promoted by the site-specific localization of the Fe complexes within a subunit through the designed mutation of a tyrosinate side chain to coordinate the Fe centers. An important outcome is that the Sav host can regulate the Fe···Fe separation, which is known to be important for function in natural metalloproteins. Spectroscopic and structural studies from X-ray diffraction methods revealed uncommonly long Fe···Fe separations that change by less than 0.3 Å upon the binding of additional bridging ligands. The structural constraints imposed by the protein host on the di-Fe cores are unique and create examples of active sites having entatic states within engineered artificial metalloproteins.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid
Host protein: Streptavidin (Sav)
Anchoring strategy: Dative; Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: ---
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: PDB: 6VOZ, 6VO9

Artificial Peroxidase-Like Hemoproteins Based on Antibodies Constructed from a Specifically Designed Ortho-Carboxy Substituted Tetraarylporphyrin Hapten and Exhibiting a High Affinity for Iron-Porphyrins

Mahy, J.-P.

FEBS Lett. 1996, 395, 73-76, 10.1016/0014-5793(96)01006-X

In order to get catalytic antibodies modelling peroxidases BALB/c mice have been immunized with iron(III)α,α,α,β‐mesotetrakis‐orthocarboxyphenyl‐porphyrin (Fe(ToCPP))‐KLH conjugates. Monoclonal antibodies have been produced by the hybridoma technology. Three antibodies, 2 IgG, and 1 IgG2a, were found to bind both Fe(ToCPP) and the free base ToCPPH2 with similar binding constants. None of those antibodies was found to bind tetraphenylporphyrin. Those results suggest that the recognition of Fe(ToCPP) by the antibodies was mainly due to the binding of the carboxylate groups to some amino acid residues of the protein. True K d values of 2.9 × 10−9 M and 5.5 × 10−9 M have been determined for the two IgG1‐Fe(ToCPP) complexes. Those values are the best ones ever reported for iron‐porphyrin‐antibody complexes. UV‐vis. studies have shown that the two IgG1‐Fe(ToCPP) complexes were highspin hexacoordinate iron(III) complexes, with no amino acid residue binding the iron, whereas the IgG2α‐Fe(ToCPP) complex was a low‐spin hexacoordinate iron(III) complex with two strong ligands binding the iron atom. Both IgG1 ‐Fe(ToCPP) complexes were found to catalyze the oxidation of 2,2′‐azinobis (3ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid (ABTS) 5‐fold more efficiently than Fe(ToCPP) alone whereas the binding of IgG2a to this iron‐porphyrin had no effect on its catalytic activity. k cat values of 100 min−1 and 63 min−1 and k cat/K m. values of 105 M−1 s−1 and 119 M−1 s−1 have been found respectively for the two IgG1‐Fe(ToCPP) complexes.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Porphyrin
Host protein: Antibody 13G10
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: ---
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: kcat/KM = 105 M-1 * s-1

A Structural View of Synthetic Cofactor Integration into [FeFe]-Hydrogenases

Apfel, U.-P.; Happe, T.; Kurisu, G.

Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 959-968, 10.1039/C5SC03397G

Crystal structures of semisynthetic [FeFe]-hydrogenases with variations in the [2Fe] cluster show little structural differences despite strong effects on activity.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: CN; CO; Dithiolate
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Chemical
Reaction: H2 evolution
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
Notes: H2 evolution activity of the ArM: 2874 (mmol H2)*min-1*(mg protein)-1.

Biosynthesis of a Site-Specific DNA Cleaving Protein

Schultz, P.G.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 13194-13195, 10.1021/ja804653f

An E. coli catabolite activator protein (CAP) has been converted into a sequence-specific DNA cleaving protein by genetically introducing (2,2′-bipyridin-5-yl)alanine (Bpy-Ala) into the protein. The mutant CAP (CAP-K26Bpy-Ala) showed comparable binding affinity to CAP-WT for the consensus operator sequence. In the presence of Cu(II) and 3-mercaptopropionic acid, CAP-K26Bpy-Ala cleaves double-stranded DNA with high sequence specificity. This method should provide a useful tool for mapping the molecular details of protein−nucleic acid interactions.

Metal: Cu
Ligand type: Bipyridine
Anchoring strategy: ---
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Catabolite activator protein from E. coli

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Bipyridine
Anchoring strategy: ---
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Catabolite activator protein from E. coli

Capture and Characterization of a Reactive Haem– Carbenoid Complex in an Artificial Metalloenzyme

Hilvert, D.

Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 578-584, 10.1038/s41929-018-0105-6

Non-canonical amino acid ligands are useful for fine-tuning the catalytic properties of metalloenzymes. Here, we show that recombinant replacement of the histidine ligand proximal to haem in myoglobin with Nδ-methylhistidine enhances the protein’s promiscuous carbene-transfer chemistry, enabling efficient styrene cyclopropanation in the absence of reductant, even under aerobic conditions. The increased electrophilicity of the modified Fe(iii) centre, combined with subtle structural adjustments at the active site, allows direct attack of ethyl diazoacetate to produce a reactive carbenoid adduct, which has an unusual bridging Fe(iii)–C–N(pyrrole) configuration as shown by X-ray crystallography. Quantum chemical calculations suggest that the bridged complex equilibrates with the more reactive end-on isomer, ensuring efficient cyclopropanation. These findings underscore the potential of non-canonical ligands for extending the capabilities of metalloenzymes by opening up new reaction pathways and facilitating the characterization of reactive species that would not otherwise accumulate.

Metal: Fe
Host protein: Myoglobin (Mb)
Anchoring strategy: ---
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Cyclopropanation
Max TON: 1000
ee: 99
PDB: 6F17
Notes: Structure of the Mb*(NMH) haem-iron complex

Metal: Fe
Host protein: Myoglobin (Mb)
Anchoring strategy: ---
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Cyclopropanation
Max TON: 1000
ee: 99
Notes: Structure of the Mb*(NMH) haem-iron–carbenoid complex

Catalysis Without a Headache: Modification of Ibuprofen for the Design of Artificial Metalloenzyme for Sulfide Oxidation

Ménage, S.

J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2016, 416, 20-28, 10.1016/j.molcata.2016.02.015

A new artificial oxidase has been developed for selective transformation of thioanisole. The catalytic activity of an iron inorganic complex, FeLibu, embedded in a transport protein NikA has been investigated in aqueous media. High efficiency (up to 1367 t), frequency 459 TON min−1 and selectivity (up to 69%) make this easy to use catalytic system an asset for a sustainable chemistry.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: BPHMEN
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: ---
Reaction: Sulfoxidation
Max TON: 1367
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: ---

Catalytic Cyclopropanation by Myoglobin Reconstituted with Iron Porphycene: Acceleration of Catalysis due to Rapid Formation of the Carbene Species

Hasegawa, J.-Y.; Lehnert, N.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17265-17268, 10.1021/jacs.7b10154

Myoglobin reconstituted with iron porphycene catalyzes the cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate. Compared to native myoglobin, the reconstituted protein significantly accelerates the catalytic reaction and the kcat/Km value is 26-fold enhanced. Mechanistic studies indicate that the reaction of the reconstituted protein with ethyl diazoacetate is 615-fold faster than that of native myoglobin. The metallocarbene species reacts with styrene with the apparent second-order kinetic constant of 28 mM–1 s–1 at 25 °C. Complementary theoretical studies support efficient carbene formation by the reconstituted protein that results from the strong ligand field of the porphycene and fewer intersystem crossing steps relative to the native protein. From these findings, the substitution of the cofactor with an appropriate metal complex serves as an effective way to generate a new biocatalyst.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Amino acid; Porphycene
Host protein: Myoglobin (Mb)
Anchoring strategy: Reconstitution
Optimization: ---
Reaction: Cyclopropanation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate: kcat/KM = 1.3 mM-1 * s-1, trans/cis = 99:1

Chalcogenide Substitution in the [2Fe] Cluster of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases Conserves High Enzymatic Activity

Apfel, U.-P.; Happe, T.

Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 16947-16958, 10.1039/C7DT03785F

Combination of biological and chemical methods allow for creation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases with an artificial synthetic cofactor.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: CN; CO; Diselenolate
Anchoring strategy: Dative
Optimization: Chemical
Reaction: H2 evolution
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
Notes: ---

Constructing Protein Polyhedra via Orthogonal Chemical Interactions

Tezcan, F.A.

Nature 2020, 578, 172-176, 10.1038/s41586-019-1928-2

Many proteins exist naturally as symmetrical homooligomers or homopolymers1. The emergent structural and functional properties of such protein assemblies have inspired extensive efforts in biomolecular design2,3,4,5. As synthesized by ribosomes, proteins are inherently asymmetric. Thus, they must acquire multiple surface patches that selectively associate to generate the different symmetry elements needed to form higher-order architectures1,6—a daunting task for protein design. Here we address this problem using an inorganic chemical approach, whereby multiple modes of protein–protein interactions and symmetry are simultaneously achieved by selective, ‘one-pot’ coordination of soft and hard metal ions. We show that a monomeric protein (protomer) appropriately modified with biologically inspired hydroxamate groups and zinc-binding motifs assembles through concurrent Fe3+ and Zn2+ coordination into discrete dodecameric and hexameric cages. Our cages closely resemble natural polyhedral protein architectures7,8 and are, to our knowledge, unique among designed systems9,10,11,12,13 in that they possess tightly packed shells devoid of large apertures. At the same time, they can assemble and disassemble in response to diverse stimuli, owing to their heterobimetallic construction on minimal interprotein-bonding footprints. With stoichiometries ranging from [2 Fe:9 Zn:6 protomers] to [8 Fe:21 Zn:12 protomers], these protein cages represent some of the compositionally most complex protein assemblies—or inorganic coordination complexes—obtained by design.

Metal: Fe; Zn
Ligand type: Hydroxaamate
Host protein: Cytochrome cb562
Anchoring strategy: Covalent
Optimization: Chemical & genetic
Reaction: ---
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
Notes: ---

Construction and In Vivo Assembly of a Catalytically Proficient and Hyperthermostable De Novo Enzyme

Anderson, J.L.R.

Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 10.1038/s41467-017-00541-4

Although catalytic mechanisms in natural enzymes are well understood, achieving the diverse palette of reaction chemistries in re-engineered native proteins has proved challenging. Wholesale modification of natural enzymes is potentially compromised by their intrinsic complexity, which often obscures the underlying principles governing biocatalytic efficiency. The maquette approach can circumvent this complexity by combining a robust de novo designed chassis with a design process that avoids atomistic mimicry of natural proteins. Here, we apply this method to the construction of a highly efficient, promiscuous, and thermostable artificial enzyme that catalyzes a diverse array of substrate oxidations coupled to the reduction of H2O2. The maquette exhibits kinetics that match and even surpass those of certain natural peroxidases, retains its activity at elevated temperature and in the presence of organic solvents, and provides a simple platform for interrogating catalytic intermediates common to natural heme-containing enzymes.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Porphyrin
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Genetic
Reaction: Oxidation
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: Oxidation of 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazo-line-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS)

Coordination Chemistry of Iron(III)-Porphyrin-Antibody Complexes Influence on the Peroxidase Activity of the Axial Coordination of an Imidazole on the Iron Atom

Mahy, J.-P.

Eur. J. Biochem. 2002, 269, 470-480, 10.1046/j.0014-2956.2001.02670.x

An artificial peroxidase‐like hemoprotein has been obtained by associating a monoclonal antibody, 13G10, and its iron(III)–α,α,α,β‐meso‐tetrakis(ortho‐carboxyphenyl)porphyrin [Fe(ToCPP)] hapten. In this antibody, about two‐thirds of the porphyrin moiety is inserted in the binding site, its ortho‐COOH substituents being recognized by amino‐acids of the protein, and a carboxylic acid side chain of the protein acts as a general acid base catalyst in the heterolytic cleavage of the O–O bond of H2O2, but no amino‐acid residue is acting as an axial ligand of the iron. We here show that the iron of 13G10–Fe(ToCPP) is able to bind, like that of free Fe(ToCPP), two small ligands such as CN–, but only one imidazole ligand, in contrast to to the iron(III) of␣Fe(ToCPP) that binds two. This phenomenon is general for a series of monosubstituted imidazoles, the 2‐ and 4‐alkyl‐substituted imidazoles being the best ligands, in agreement with the hydrophobic character of the antibody binding site. Complexes of antibody 13G10 with less hindered iron(III)–tetraarylporphyrins bearing only one [Fe(MoCPP)] or two meso‐[ortho‐carboxyphenyl] substituents [Fe(DoCPP)] also bind only one imidazole. Finally, peroxidase activity studies show that imidazole inhibits the peroxidase activity of 13G10–Fe(ToCPP) whereas it increases that of 13G10–Fe(DoCPP). This could be interpreted by the binding of the imidazole ligand on the iron atom which probably occurs in the case of 13G10–Fe(ToCPP) on the less hindered face of the porphyrin, close to the catalytic COOH residue, whereas in the case of 13G10–Fe(DoCPP) it can occur on the other face of the porphyrin. The 13G10–Fe(DoCPP)–imidazole complex thus constitutes a nice artificial peroxidase‐like hemoprotein, with the axial imidazole ligand of the iron mimicking the proximal histidine of peroxidases and a COOH side chain of the antibody acting as a general acid‐base catalyst like the distal histidine of peroxidases does.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Porphyrin
Host protein: Antibody 13G10
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: ---
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: kcat/KM = 15200 M-1 * s-1

Coordination Chemistry Studies and Peroxidase Activity of a New Artificial Metalloenzyme Built by the “Trojan Horse” Strategy

Mahy, J.-P.

J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2010, 317, 19-26, 10.1016/j.molcata.2009.10.016

In the general context of green chemistry, a considerable research effort is devoted to the elaboration of new artificial metalloproteins that catalyze, under mild conditions, the oxidation of a wide range of organic compounds, using cheap and environmentally friendly oxidants. A new artificial hemoprotein was obtained by the so-called “Trojan horse” strategy involving the non-covalent insertion of a cationic iron–porphyrin–estradiol cofactor into an anti-estradiol antibody. UV–vis titrations showed the formation of a 1/2 antibody/cofactor complex with a dissociation constant KD = 4.10−7 M. UV–vis determination of the Fe-imidazole binding constants showed that the protein provided a weak steric hindrance around the iron–porphyrin cofactor. The antibody–estradiol–iron–porphyrin complex displayed a peroxidase activity and catalyzed the oxidation of ABTS by H2O2 with about double the efficiency of the iron–porphyrin–estradiol alone. Kinetic studies revealed that this was due to a faster formation of the intermediate high valent iron–oxo species in the presence of the antibody protein. Consequently, the association of an anti-estradiol antibody with an iron–porphyrin–estradiol cofactor leads to a new artificial hemoprotein with an interesting peroxidase activity and the “Trojan horse” strategy appears as a valuable method to generate artificial metalloenzymes that could act as biocatalysts for selective oxidations.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: Porphyrin
Host protein: Antibody 7A3
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: ---
Max TON: ---
ee: ---
PDB: ---
Notes: k1 = 574 M-1 * min-1

Cross-Linked Artificial Enzyme Crystals as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Oxidation Reactions

Cavazza, C.; Ménage, S.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17994-18002, 10.1021/jacs.7b09343

Designing systems that merge the advantages of heterogeneous catalysis, enzymology, and molecular catalysis represents the next major goal for sustainable chemistry. Cross-linked enzyme crystals display most of these essential assets (well-designed mesoporous support, protein selectivity, and molecular recognition of substrates). Nevertheless, a lack of reaction diversity, particularly in the field of oxidation, remains a constraint for their increased use in the field. Here, thanks to the design of cross-linked artificial nonheme iron oxygenase crystals, we filled this gap by developing biobased heterogeneous catalysts capable of oxidizing carbon–carbon double bonds. First, reductive O2 activation induces selective oxidative cleavage, revealing the indestructible character of the solid catalyst (at least 30 000 turnover numbers without any loss of activity). Second, the use of 2-electron oxidants allows selective and high-efficiency hydroxychlorination with thousands of turnover numbers. This new technology by far outperforms catalysis using the inorganic complexes alone, or even the artificial enzymes in solution. The combination of easy catalyst synthesis, the improvement of “omic” technologies, and automation of protein crystallization makes this strategy a real opportunity for the future of (bio)catalysis.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: ---
Host protein: NikA
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical
Max TON: 28000
ee: ---
Notes: Cross-Linked Enzyme Crystals (CLEC) as catalysts.

Metal: Fe
Ligand type: ---
Host protein: NikA
Anchoring strategy: Supramolecular
Optimization: Chemical
Max TON: 5900
ee: ---
Notes: Cross-Linked Enzyme Crystals (CLEC) as catalysts.